Rebecca Sayger

Economics & U.S. Gov't

School # (663) 393-9300
Remind Text
     To sign up for my Remind Texts               please text the number 81010 and in       the message part write @K868c6

Ms Sayger's Rules and Procedures for Class

About the Teacher

I graduated from Northwest Community College and then Mississippi College with a degree in Psychology.

I'm originally from the South but moved to Russia with my family when I was 5 years old as Missionaries. We lived there for 11 years then came back to live in the States. We moved to North MS in 2003. I graduated from Northwest Community College and then Mississippi College with a degree in Psychology. I still love doing missions and traveling so in 2016 I went on an 11 month mission trip to 11 countries. We went to one country a month-3 in South America, 3 in Europe and 5 in Asia. I have a big family and a great community that I love. I go to Colonial Hills Church where I help with the young adult ministry and sing on the worship team. I got married last year to my wonderful husband Rob and am loving being married!

Important Information

All make up work will be able to be done on schoology within a reasonable time frame. Students will have up to 5 days to turn in material. Any "1" seen in powerschool (gradebook) shows missing work that can be turned in. Progress reports will be given out on a regular basis and must be signed by parent for grade. 

Material list for Ms Sayger's class:

*Kleenex (A lot!!! The kids run through it like crazy!)

* Hand sanitizer




*Colored pencils

*Glue sticks

*Construction Paper (just a small packet)


*Note Book Paper (a lot)

*Index Cards (one packet)


*Clorox Wipes

Remind/School Status

To sign up for my Remind Texts please text the number 81010 and in the message part write   @mssaygers

I try to send out Remind Texts on a regular basis to remind students of when Tests or quizzes are coming up and it give the students the ability to contact me if they have questions, so I highly recommend signing up for this. Also parents are able to text me through the School Status messaging service